Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022Author

A commenter helpfully pointed out I made a mistake: Prof Ahmed defended Stock against the slurs, not the slurs against Stock! I have updated that error.

I will have a stern word with my subeditor (me).

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I despair for the future! These young people are really very poorly educated with huge gaps in their basic knowledge yet they believe they know everything. I know youth always thinks it knows everything but these people are different. They have been educated to believe that their emotions are what count and that facts and reality are just constraints put upon their feelings by the bad guys (who are anyone they think might upset them). The trans community is probably tiny and I imagine most of them want to be left alone to get on with their lives. It's very fashionable for young people to "try on" different identities and they must always be a victim of something. The world used to be run by adults, people who had put childish tantrums and toys behind them. These young people appear to have pushed the adults out and seem to have no intention of becoming adults themselves. I despair!

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