Feb 8·edited Feb 8Liked by Frederick Edward

Thank you Frederick for enduring the reportage by some entitled Al-BBC scribblers.


BP produced a thing called the Statistical Review of World Energy, the last edition (the 71st) was published in 2022. After that Energy Institute took over publication - in 'partnership' with AT Kearney and KPMG. The Energy Institute is a Net Zero lobby group.


COP28 committed to boosting non fossil fuel power generation by 3 fold. Yet, even using the warped assessment of the Energy Institute 2023 edition, the required boost to reach the COP28 goal by 2050 is between 50 and 100 fold just to keep pace with existing power demand. This translates to 60 wind turbines for every single unit working today, and more than 100 times the number of solar farms.

In other words, fossil fuel is core to our existence.

We can and should seek better ways to use fossil fuel, but ignoring it is utter stupidity of the well-off who don't have a clue how things work.

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Feb 8Liked by Frederick Edward

The point made that without hydrocarbons we would be living in 17th century servitude goes to the core of what net zero is really about. Of course we can’t sustain the post Industrial Revolution population with renewables. So their plan all along has been to reduce it by 90%. This where the fight should take place, exposing them and their plans and not voting for any candidate that supports net zero, the WHO or the WEF.

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Feb 16·edited Feb 16

I think you've missed the mark here. The average Brit does not give a rats ass how much profit BP or British Gas makes. They care about their living costs and standards. In this case their profits are relevant because we are constantly fed excuses why they simply have to make this much profit while our energy bills go ever higher. People feel aggrieved (and rightly so) that they are being gouged by these transnationals - they're free to charge us anything they like (to the point of driving many into penury) while endlessly enriching themselves.

But I too have a complaint about the BBC. Whenever these profits are announed the Beeb sends out a fluffer in the morning to "explain" to us why it's not a problem that British Gas et al are making so much money at our expense - don't worry your head about it, Joe Public, they say. Yesterday their fluffer was asked why can't British Gas simply lower our bills if they're making so much profit. His answer? Because British Gas is owned by Centrica, an international energy producer, it wouldn't be fair to the other energy retailers if BG lowered their prices since they couldn't compete. WTF? We were sold the idea that privatization would be great for us consumers because of competition. Now they're telling us they can't lower our bills because some of the competition are too weak. This entire thing is a total fraud from top to bottom, designed to immiserate the British people.

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