Feb 1Liked by Frederick Edward

Well said!

For anyone who might want to see what our future looks like, go to South Africa. Set aside apartheid, set aside the ANC apartheid and view the rampant economic degradation of a functioning country. However, they, unlike the UK at the moment, have hope - South Africa will rise from this pit. Will we?

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Yes, net zero must be a gift to any greedy corporation wishing to shift production offshore to somewhere with lower standards and costs and to dress it up as a "green initiative" such as we've just witnessed in Port Talbot. Becoming poorer is the inevitable outcome when such policies are encouraged on a national scale

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We like your posts but do not use 'apps' (too complex and confusing!). Please can you offer us a basic browser-enabled version?

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Thank you, Frederick, for another thoughtful article. I moved to a new area last year; it's been an eye opener to move among the champagne socialists and others who are definitely comfortably off. And they have all imbibed at the Kool Aid fountain. I think it will take a long time for them to feel the economic pain that those just a couple of rungs lower are already experiencing. There was a big gap in earnings and attitudes that makes it easier for those riding at the top of the greasy pole of self interest to evade detection.

I am not going to hold my breath for people to wake up.

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