Seeing as he’s already had practise with the gloves on, I suggest letting him lead the charge of the cavalry. If he thinks anyone would go to the front in defence of this king & country, when he clearly despises the usual cannon fodder & locks them up for thinking out loud, he’s got another think coming.

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He might find that there is an Army revolt, if he tries to send it in.

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Yes he punches like a girl and he thinks by doing a Boris he sounds and looks like a leader-Wrong !

In times like these we lionise leaders that have charisma and who are great orators like Churchill, Trump and Farage !

However you need more than charisma and great oration to be the real deal you need gravitas something Rupert Lowe has being a successful businessman who donates his MP's salary to charity!

Witness his immediate put down on X of the deranged ex-Labour now independent MP Zarah Sultana " You're the MP for Coventry not Gaza, Act like it !

Now if that's not Churchillian I don't know what is.

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Yes, he is quickly emerging as the brightest light in Reform. I fear otherwise they're missing the 'vibe shift'.

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Yes he walks the talk, has a quick and a strategic intellect and does not have his nose in the trough like most parliamentarians. People of our far right thuggery warm to him !

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Well, I'm a girl and I certainly don't punch like that, in fact I'd probably floor Starmer 😂 one of my mates is British Veterans Kumite champion and she'd rinse him. So, less of the sexism young man 🤣 He is weak, in many ways, with zero personality. As you say, in a healthy democracy, he would be nowhere near power.

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Sorry, ma'am!

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🤣 accepted

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He's the one who was bullied at school (unlike Churchill!) and now wants to show the world how manly and confident he actually is. He's the one who bullies the staff, is dismissive of the cleaning lady, throws a hissy fit if he gets the wrong biscuit. Pathetically, western governments are packed full of these types - look at that bloke in Germany crying because JD Vance upset him.

I saw someone on X refer to Zelensky as Churchillian - about the last adjective I would use for that rogue. I really don't think Starmer understands anything about the Russia/Ukraine conflict but he obviously thinks he's The Man now that the USA has voted in what I heard a Labour minister call "That Bully".

Maybe he has a cunning plan and intends making UK citizenship for those hundreds of thousands of fighting age illegal men only available to the ones who sign up to fight on behalf of "Democracy" in "Democratic Ukraine". Because our current 20,000 fighting men (and presumably useless women) would last about 10 minutes against the battle-hardened Russians.

Also, the emasculation of the political class is because of the feminisation of absolutely frigging everything (female teachers feminising boys, perverts dressing up as Joan Crawford, grown men believing they can cry in public over how rough a day they've had, pink everywhere, obssession with mental health). And I say this as a woman (a proper one!)

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I quite like the idea of emptying out our hotels and depositing their contents around Donbas; although I can't help but feel the local inhabitants have suffered enough already!

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Having seen some of the hotel residents out on a jolly in Hastings, I don't really think most of them would last much longer than the emotional and understaffed British Army! All they'd need is for one of the "Ukrainian Beauties Looking For Love" that still pop up on my YouTube to walk past and they'd be like lambs to the slaughter!

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I’d advise you to watch The Apprentice on Apple TV. Trump was brought up the hard way. It’s a film about how he became Donald Trump. He can throw a punch. As to our great leader. He’s a WEF puppet, following agenda 2030 and doing what he’s told. It interesting how, he vows to send troops to Ukraine, when Trump and Vance are calling Zelenskyy out. 1bn in aid is unaccounted for? Political opponents locked up or exiled. Think Tommy in the Uk. There’s a MO here that stinks to high heaven and it’s not come from us. NATO and WEF with Blackrock all need to be admonished and attacked. Forever wars are both a tragic waste of young lives and added to that tax payers money. Makes no sense! Why we, the British people put up with our political parties, I include Reform in this, I do not know. Amazingly, if we had Doge, they’d be far more corruption than in the USA exposed as cash for King and hangers on. After all we invented this broken political system, adopted by the world!

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Nobody has yet emerged that has the cojones to take on the UK blob. I only hope that as US success becomes utterly irrefutable the pressure for someone to do the same here will become unavoidable.

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Good points well made !

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I’m 68 years old and 146 pounds and I can still punch like a man, Starmer is another girly man like Trudeau, a complete twat and a pathetic excuse for a man.

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I'll put a fiver on you KOing Trudeau within the first 60 seconds.

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As pathetic as he was turning on the Xmas lights at No 10.He makes Ed Miliband look like Chuck Norris

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Yes, that is another favourite clip.







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That is the gayest thing I’ve ever seen!

But it all fits into place now. Of course someone so physically and morally weak would behave the way he does; stamping on ‘hurtful’ words and locking up representatives of the bigger, stronger boys who would have bullied him at school.

Look at him in the recent photos with British soldiers, wearing bits of their uniform, does he imagine that some of their honour and toughness will rub off on him? I could have spared him the trouble of visiting them and told him the answer before he left.

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Yes, the 'bits of uniform' really cheesed me off. Wearing an MTP smock doesn't suddenly make you a great wartime leader!!

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Exactly right! A point that would be completely lost on him I’m afraid.

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Dear Frederick, thank you for helping me to further understand the limitations of Mr KR 'son of a tool' Starmer KC MP PM. The main issue with the 'photo opp' was a lack of spine. Let's face it - not having a spine is a major problem for a living organism which needs that to stand upright.

Hence the lack of power in the punch.

I suspect most of the activist KC klass have the very same problem, so will not even stand for elected office.

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No spine and a rotten core, indeed. He's certainly not doing much to aid the general perception of lawyers among the general population.

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One suspects Mr Starmer KC MP PM will have some letters knocked off his name soon. A nice seat in the House of Lords, one might think.

Along with the infamous Baroness Chinless of Ashton who was of course never elected for any position at all, ever. Now the Baroness is working in a sub-committee dedicated to 'ever closer union' with the EU27 - just like the olde days.....

The Baroness hid in the House of Lords when the Ukraine situation blew up in 2014 - she was at the helm as the EU28 first foreign minister (unelected), then disconnected from the Laybour Party around the same time to be 'independent', but since 2023 has found the Laybour membership card once more.

It's almost as if there is a script.

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I enjoy your articles however like so many similar articles and tweets, it is like being on a sinking ship whilst being told about the pain of hyperthermia and drowning. We are going down. Most of the government are Fabians meaning they want a communist UK. Our ridiculously unfair voting system coupled with an equally ridiculously long minimum term between elections only reinforces the lock on our prison. The Heritage Party stands for everything I believe in. They have nil MPs. What does that say about this Nation? My response; if you can get out otherwise, batten down the hatches and experience what so many did round the world in years gone by when Satan got into his stride.

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I’m a 72 year old Englishman who has lived in the States for the last 32 years. I boxed as an amateur and played rugby union for 20 years in the most physically demanding and dangerous position, hooker. I have the scars and broken body to remind me if those wonderful days. This is the first time I’ve seen this video. It’s pathetic. At least Churchill managed to look pugnacious. Even at my age and with a badly broken body I could smack the living shit out of this twat.

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Men have lost conquest mind. If they cannot even conquer a women, how will they conquer countries?

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He really is a wuss.

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Another sad and damning dimension to the punchbag episode is how it highlights his lack of judgement. If you haven't done something before, and are likely to look stupid in attempting and failing, then have the sense to not do it in front of cameras. It's the exact equivalent of Lammy going on Mastermind. It might look easy, but have a little think about whether you can do it first. Nobody expects them to be accomplished boxers or quiz show contestants; that's no part of the job description, and Maggie Thatcher proved it was possible to be a formidable and fearsome leader without a macho gym display. But people do expect them to have self-knowledge, and the political acumen to work out how they are going to come across to their audience.

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Yes, absolutely. The arrogance of such types no doubt means they think they have the Midas touch, whereas they actually have the Shiteas touch.

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Embarrassing he couldn't beat his way out of paper bag

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Compare and contrast - ok, I know it's the WWE play acting but at least Trump makes a go of it.


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Yes, another great clip. What a champ!

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I meant the WWF, not the WWE of course!

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So long as it's not the WEF...

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