Sickening isn't it? All those mothers' sons being wasted.

The smug fools in the west with their Ukrainian flags probably can't put the Ukraine on a map, don't know anything of its history, don't know that it was and is a fundamental part of the Russian mindset. The 30 year independence of a country which was never really a country being treated like that's long enough to wipe out centuries of joined history. We in the UK are arrogant ignorant fools - what happens between the Russians and the Ukrainians is none of our business. It's "family business" which everyone else should butt out of. The Ukrainians are fools too because they are being played by the USA.

The MSM is ensuring we none of us have easy access to the truth of the situation - there appear to be no journalists embedded with troops, no satellite views of battle sites, no balanced reporting of what's happening. The western elite refuse to talk to the Russians even though Putin has said many times that he is willing to talk. I hope it snows in western Europe and the cold makes the public start thinking for themselves - years of being spoon-fed rubbish needs to be shaken out of them and maybe the prospect of freezing to death might do it. Meanwhile, sons are dying needlessly.

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I suspect once the public become even the slightest bit inconvenienced by it all they will quickly revert to indifference, having claimed they were never actually all that favour of it in the first place. That is the usual process.

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The default anti-Russia Federation line published routinely by MSM polarises debate, which means major errors can and are being made without consideration. So far all the paths to de-escalate the conflict have been ignored, as has the innate industrial scale corruption of the side the 'West' has chosen to support without any political mandate to do so.

Here's a question. Why did a then comedian - now president - take some or all of $14 million between 2012 and 2016?

Further, how do we know the billions of dollars pushed into Ukraine since February 2022 have not gone to the same shadowy characters in Ukraine, the USA and beyond?

Where are the 'receipts' for the money spent so far?

The answers would be very interesting, and possibly qualify the West's eagerness to support the conflict with no meaningful attempt to resolve it.

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It is not permitted to ask such questions about St Zelensky!

I just wonder how many more people will die as a consequence of Boris' attempt to divert attention away from 'cakegate' to Ukraine.

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Oct 4, 2022
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It's what happens when God leaves the room for too long!

(and I'm not even religious - I used to think getting rid of God in favour of logic, reasoning and science was a good thing. Not so sure these days - don't think humanity is ready to stop worshipping something)

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Oh, it is so horrible that young Russians are dying. If only there was a way to avoid all that. You know, like... Russia leaving the Ukraine and putting the end to the war?

Yet for some reason when you see someone declare that they are "pro-peace", like the author here, you can be sure that such option has never occured to them. Being "pro-peace" for some reason always mean that Ukraine should capitulate, allow Russia to annex even more of its territory and then we can be sure that there will be no more war. Because Russia would never invade Ukraine yet again, right? I mean, like it did invading Crimea in 2014. And Donbass a few months later. And starting a full scale invasion in 2022. Now if only we allow Russia to grab even more land, there will be no more invasions this time. Pinky promise.

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Oct 3, 2022
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Hadn't read this theory elsewhere. Interesting.

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Oct 3, 2022
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One wonders who, precisely, the sanctions are designed to hurt.

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