Nov 2, 2022Liked by Frederick Edward

Every time I have a 2 hour motorbike delivery from the Co-op the driver is a foreigner and from the name usually not European. These guys are generally pleasant, polite and efficient. So I can't fault the service.

But why aren't any British people doing this job?

My Amazon delivery guy yesterday was foreign - very friendly and charming with fluent English - but again why not British?

My excellent dentist is Rumanian.

The other day the bus driver - also excellent friendly and helpful was Polish.

Why aren't these jobs 100% British?

It is rare these days that I encounter a British person doing a service job.

Why is this?

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The things that are never said include

- All the people who arrive via these little boats are fleeing France

- They have left their own country and trekked through maybe Italy, Greece, France

- A large proportion of Brits would like to live in Italy or France so why are these people fleeing?

- Albanians often just buy Greek passports at the Greek border

- Albania has a shortage of workers thanks to TikTok videos showing how great life is here

- Albania has no war, famine, dictatorship, ergo, no refugees fleeing tyranny

- Surely the EU has an obligation to at least process migrants/refugees arriving on its borders

- Any fighting-age man is generally an economic migrant if alone - who leaves their wife behind?

- It's not wicked to ask questions about why they are being put in hotels or why they are not simply being returned to France

- Worrying about illegal (or legal) migrants doesn't make a person a racist, bigot or right-wing nutter

- What are the natives losing if over £6M per day is being spent just on hotel accommodation? Money that could be spent on care homes or education maybe.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Frederick Edward

I used to be an Immigration Officer-the job was difficult in even in those comparatively saner times- but this is possibly the most dangerous consequence of the UK's great unravelling.

Why is it, that as we are enjoined to tighten our belts, use less, eat less, 'be prepared', this invasion continues, apparently sanctioned by just about all of our so called representatives?

£6 million pounds per day to accommodate the increasingly entitled influx, while the MSM softens us up for another round of austerity.

The usual suspects race to outdo one another with their thoroughly spurious brandishing of conspicuous compassion, scapegoating and denial of the inevitable consequences of this wreckless disregard of the national interest.

Everyday I watch and read with mounting despair at our politicians' avid embrace of creative destruction and their oxymoronic soundbites: Net Zero + mass migration+ renewable utopian fantasies are an incoherent contradictory mess.

Who will pay for this criminal abandonment of stability, trust, cohesion and social norms?

We shall.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Frederick Edward

We should start a petition to support Suella Braverman on the ukgov site

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