Jan 24Liked by Frederick Edward

Excellent post,as a former Territorial from the Cold War we knew who the enemy was. Personally I see no existential threat to the UK unless we keep involving ourselves in foreign adventures as the US poodle.

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Jan 24Liked by Frederick Edward

Thank you Frederick for a most erudite article as usual. We would be lost without the stimulus you provide to keep the real British fighting back against some real traitors within our midst.

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Not me, I would not fight for the UK as it is currently controlled by the British Ruling Elite.

It is over. British civilisation and British society will end just as surely as night follows day, unless virtually every member of the British Ruling Elite, controlled as they are by the International Money Men, are removed from all power, authority and influence in the country. This process of removal can only start by the introduction of a New Parliamentary System involving the ending of the corrupt Political Party system in its entirety - with MPs forthwith being independents contractually bound to their constituents.

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My sentiments entirely.

It's the people inside the UK ruining it with their wicked ideology we need to fight. Not some imaginary threat from any foreign land. We are not ruled by lunatics, rather by corrupt, venal nonentities. Don't give them the comfort of not knowing what they do.

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Jan 24Liked by Frederick Edward

Hi Frederick, thanks for your article, it's been a while since I've seen something of yours drop into my inbox but I'll confess I'm a freeloader so my appreciation is doubled. So, to the subject matter, this is the 2nd or 3rd item I've read in this vein. I don't know: I never converse with the relevant demographic to ask them. Commenters seem quick to agree that the latest trend in self-flagellation for being the sons & daughters of slavers and white domination is the reason for poor recruitment numbers for the armed services but has this latest zeitgeist been in place long enough to affect the relevant age group. I'm not so sure the timeline stacks up. Could it perhaps be related to an unwillingness to submit to greater levels of discipline that have been erased from the educational experience. Or is it aligned to the apparent issue that youngsters seem incapable of stepping lightly through the rough knocks that life inevitably throws up (aka the snowflake generation). I suspect the reasons are multiple and wide-ranging as reflected in the other comments.

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There is a lot to digest here.

It seems impossible compared to the self-less sacrifice given by our ancestors, to consider the edifice of the UK is so distorted it is difficult to connect to it. The idea of defending Laydee Moan, Dame Sturgeon, Lord Sunak, Lord 'Dive' of Chipping Norton and more is almost beyond the pale.

When I saw a Royal Navy vessel reverse into another in port last week, it seemed to capture the mess we find ourselves in.

Lions led by evil.

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Didn't the RAF turn away a large number of perfectly suitable trainees recently for no other reason than that they were white. I think that sent out the message loud and clear about who were now no longer wanted. Now, just months later, the services wail they can't get sufficient recruits. What else did they expect to happen

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Sadly, it is a country no longer worth fighting for. The "enemy" is already within. Russia isn't the enemy. Those in charge at almost every level across the whole Western world are the enemy. I listen to Sunak and Co telling us they are attacking the Houthis as a matter of self-defence. Are the Houthis the ones floating over the Channel? I don't think so. Are they lording it over us in their Oxbridge ivory towers telling us we are guilty of "white privilege"? I don't think so. Do they work at the BBC or The Guardian? I don't think so. Are they civil servants? Cabinet office attendees?

Why bother fighting for a country filling up with people who really don't care where they are and don't really want the indigenous population around?

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Armed with a nuclear deterrent, why do we need more than a token armed force? Assuming we mind our own business in the world. But Britain is a toy for the “elite” to play international intrigue whilst leaving the Met to crush internal unrest.

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Many 'shooting from the lip' comments, which is perhaps understandable but rather unhelpful. What system or country would you rather live in or under? Russian? Iranian? Unless you have a better option you should fight to retain what you have, imperfect though it so evidently is, or you will get something you really do not want. I speak as a career soldier when I say that we do not fight for politicians, or for the politically-minded pundits. We fight for our country, with all of its faults, and for our families, our friends, and our way of life. We can change those things as long as we remain free, but the alternative is a very real possibility - we will live by someone else's rules and we will not think it good.

The military, with all of its faults, is an insurance policy. No one likes to pay the premiums, right up until the point they want to make a claim. Sadly, politicians of all stripes are short-termist by nature.

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If they give me a gun and send me to the Ukraine, the first thing I will do is defect. For moral reasons.

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