Nov 30, 2022Liked by Frederick Edward

Another great article and an important one considering that this issue is largely ignored. My grandfather, Dr. Halliday Sutherland, battled Malthusians and eugenicists in the 1920s when they (1) were using TB as a rough but effective agent to kill off the feeble, (2) were handing out free contraceptives to poor "C3" women and (3) campaigning for the compulsory sterilization of "undesirables" (this latter measure being introduced into Parliament in 1933, albeit unsuccessfully). In 1928 Dr. Sutherland predicted "the cataclysm that may end the eight known epoch in civilization may be a lack of European children". It seems that the long-term Malthusian plan is coming to fruition.

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The loss of masculine men is sad and depressing. A world of feminine men isn't worth anything. I rather brainwashed my daughters into looking for masculine men - the sort who would protect them, could fix problems, light fires, fiddle with machines whilst not being too bothered how they looked or what other people thought. Years of making them watch Clark Gable films! Although Cary Grant, Ronald Colman or Robert Donat were the English preference. Men who knew how to behave like gentlemen!

Consequently, my eldest found herself a very nice old fashioned Greek chap who stands up when a woman enters the room and my youngest found a chap from Zimbabwe who wasn't aware of the new metro-sexual nonsense or any other modern stuff!

They used to say it was all down to the oestregen in the water from all the women taking the contraceptive pill. Wouldn't surprise me. I think the Oxbridge twats are simply trying on different identities because that's what's expected of them.

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I’m wondering what a poll in 10 years time of those Oxbridge males might reveal? I do hope there is a plan to do one! My guess is that the woke influence of university life will have worn off somewhat and many of those who didn’t feel “heterosexual” will have changed their minds?

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